The year 2012 for me was a year full of ups and downs;someday I was happy seeing my  dreams coming true and again someday I was broken hearted,weeping at the corner of my room.
     I have realized one thing down these years that Life is very unpredictable.You never know what Life has in store for you tomorrow when you wake up.The least expected thing may happen to you anytime.So I think the best possible way to stay happy is preparing yourself beforehand for the worst to come.Happiness is just a state of mind and only you can make yourself happy if you wish to.

"Being happy doesn’t mean that everything is perfect, it simply means that you’ve decided to look beyond the imperfections."

The happier part......

 I have now achieved the honour of using the prefix "Dr." before my name.This is a dream come true for me.I still remember those days when I was in fifth or sixth grade at school,whenever someone asked me,"what do you wanna be in future?" .My answer was the same always.."I wanna be a doctor".Now, I am actually living that childhood dream.

The sad part........

  •  The year 2012 started with the loss of my pet dog 'JUNI"

She was ill,fighting bravely with cancer,she left me,my Ma and Baba...empty at heart.It was 14th February,2012.......

There was more Life had to offer me.........                                                                                     

  •  Often at times we say goodbye to the person we love the most without wanting to.Although that doesn't mean that we have stopped loving them or we have stopped to care.Sometimes "goodbye" is a painful way to convey your feelings.

  • Then came the time in September when my 5 yrs college life came to an end,,-----these 5 yrs Room No.213 has been my second home.I loved my room very much.The small corner of the balcony in front of my door had a picturesque view of the river.Oh! I miss my hostel so much......

  • Lastly,it ended with the sad demise of my best friend's mother.I never thought that she will leave us forever out of  a sudden.

Now,the World was supposed to get destructed on 21st December,2012 according to Mayan prophecy.But nothing happened................I think it has been postponed to 3012 due to technical problems, so lets  carry on with life till then...



  1. Moments are treasured like the golden pieces.... People used to treasure only the happier past. but here is the basic difference of this blog with other blogs.

    1. thanks Anirban,you r the first person to appreciate my blog..remembering my sad moments makes me even more strong..

  2. Nice dog, checkout my blog at
    feel free to leave a comment

  3. charish memories, chase dreams...wish you a fulfilling coming year!
    nice begining! :)

    1. thanks for ur appreciation
      may d coming year bring lots of happy moments in ur life.

  4. wishing you all the very best for your upcoming life.I know some day you will rich the pinnacle of glory of your success, till that time you just keep your patience with more thing when you achieve the power of giving material things to somebody, dont ever forget to take the love and blessings from the person who love you badly. lastly a quotation for you Dr.Tinni:
    "As far as service goes, it can take the form of a million things. To do service, you don't have to be a doctor working in the slums for free, or become a social worker. Your position in life and what you do doesn't matter as much as how you do what you do."


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